Traveling in Bad Weather
Mar 1, 2023When traveling for any distance, bad weather can cause everything from slight delays to major accidents. When you have advanced warnings and know what to do in severe weather situations, you can keep yourself, your...
NE ARES a NON-Profit Corporation in Nebraska
Feb 28, 2023NE ARES has officially became a non-profit corporation registered with the Secretary of State in Nebraska. It’s taken some time to complete all task’s but, we’re done and can move forward with our mission and...
HF Radio Communications
Feb 6, 2023Space weather impacts radio communication in a number of ways. At frequencies in the 1 to 30 mega Hertz range (known as “High Frequency” or HF radio), the changes in ionospheric density and structure modify...
When storms hit, we are some of the first volunteers to respond. Get involved today.