
ARRL Nebraska State Convention May 13th 2023

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ARRL Nebraska Convention May 13th, 2023

The ARRL Nebraska State Convention on May 13th, 2023  is your chance to geek out on everything amateur radio.  Come join us for programs, forums, demos, and displays.  Hey you might even see Ed driving around in a golf cart.  (I doubt he’ll have a bag of clubs though).  Vendor, Flea Market, Sales, and FCC testing will all be available.  If you’re looking for something fun and different, download this !  More information can be found at Lincoln Ham

Those who are new to amateur radio may want to take some time to stop by this convention.  You can learn a lot from the demos, displays, and classes; but you can also start to understand the differences in equipment including handhelds, base stations, and mobile stations.  It’s not all Greek but it is all Geek!

When storms hit, we are some of the first volunteers to respond. Get involved today.